
Do you want to use the services of Pieter Wisse, do not hesitate to contact by using the following e-mail address: 

In the past twelve years Pieter has ventured into a vast amount of photography related activities. He was the creative director for the 2018 Rotterdam Photography Festival which was professionalized and doubled in size under his command. He connected and exhibited internationally acclaimed photographers as Ken Kitano, Thomas Wrede and Xavier Delory with buiding sized images.

He has curated exhibitions and projections for the likes of the GuatePhoto festival and MOPLA concerning themes ranging from the fast changes in the Chinese social landscape, American gun control to the painterly approach of representing the female body.

Pieter has published three books with his own personal work. His most recent personal project about the US / Mexican border has been exhibited at various institutions including the El Paso Museum of Art, Museo de Arte de Ciudad Juarez, San Diego State University Downtown Gallery, California Institute of Integral Studies and the Schiedam Photo Festival.

He is also a yearly returning judge for Photolucida's Critical Mass program, given numerous lectures, provided masterclasses and has done  portfolio reviews with photographers from all over the world at events as the Dali International Photo Exhibition in China, Photolucida's Portfolio Reviews, Shorzas Painters Pensionat in Armenia as well as countless private reviews.

Between 2009 and 2012 he was the owner of Four Eyes Photography & Art, a bookstore, gallery and magazine publisher located in Rotterdam where he also started his 500 Photographers project of seeking and showing active photographers that contain the features he believes are of the utmost importance to be successful as an image maker in this day and age.

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