Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Photographer #118: Martin Stranka

Martin Stranka, 1984, is a young photographer from the Czech Republic. He has no education in photography. The images he makes are poetic and mysterious. They remind us of dark fairy tales or our own personal dreams. Martin works on commercial projects as book and CD covers. In the last three years Stranka has been in numerous exhibitions, won several awards and has been in many publications. The following images come from Martin's portfolio.



Spag said...

Beautiful images, very poetic mood!

Anonymous said...

Amazing style, lovely! So poetic!

Anonymous said...

like a dream...

jequalo said...

Indeed very poetic... Just amazing...

Anonymous said...


Shezshe said...


photography courses in Islamabad, Pakistan said...

Very expressive :-)

Well done....!!!

Roma said...

I love the way you create that melancholic atmosphere in the photograph...

Anonymous said...

Amazing pictures

Melbourne photographers said...

An experienced photographer has heard input from many actors, agents, and casting directors throughout their many years of shooting. They can use this knowledge to capture what agents and casting directors are looking for.

lunatiK said...


maticki said...

I am in LOVE!

Anonymous said...

very nice pictures!