Thursday, April 19, 2012

Photographer #449: Miti Ruangkritya

Miti Ruangkritya, 1981, Thailand, studied Photojournalism at the University of Westminster. His work is mainly documentary based yet he tries not to restrict himself in any way. He is currently working on an ongoing project that consists of a polaroid installation placed on the beach of Nongkhai in Thailand. A dining table displays the polaroids without placeholders, inviting the viewers to pick up the images and be involved. By adding mattresses and swimming rings he wants to create a relaxed atmosphere for the audience to enjoy the work outside of a typical gallery exhibition. In his series On the Edge he took a closer look at Siem Reap, a city he had visited in 1991 when there was only one hotel and one bar. Today the city has massively exploded in size consisting of 5 star hotels, restaurants and bars. Miti viewed the city from a distance "from the vantage point of someone approaching (or perhaps momentarily escaping) the city." His work has been exhibited in London, Paris and Thailand and his portfolio will be featured in the May 2012 edition of the British Journal of Photography. The following images come from the series Imagining Flood, Northern Route and On the Edge.



Ruhollah Mahmoudi said...

Thanks for your great content ...

Valtteri said...

amazing pictures

sameum said...

Makes me miss thailand!

nadalia smith said...

Miti really these are amazing clicks.i can not think Thailand which i was visited last year looks like this in 90's . amazing....

Family Holidays said...

i am completely agree with you nadalia.thailand has so much change in these 20 years.

Mark Benson said...

You will find a numerous appealing places to stay at on your vacations in Thailand. Once you reach this Asian paradise through flights to Thailand do explore the beauty of its beaches and the magnificent landscapes. You will surely come back again.

Anonymous said...

The pictures capture that flavors and what Thailand have to offer. I think the people there will make the most interesting subjects. Great pictures!Continue your passion!

Sofia Coppola once again hand said...

we are completely agree with you nadalia.thailand provides a great deal difference in these kinds of 2 decades.

Unknown said...

Hello Ruhollah, Congrats for your art. Been in thailand and your eye is exactly the mood i remember.. Thanks!!

What camera do you use for most of them? Amazing colors and edit..